Saturday, January 30, 2010

all i've got to show for the last 2 days...

i was very excited when i went to Michael's craft store (in calgary- which i really miss, as there is nothing at all on island with crafty stuff that i have found) and got a few crafts to do with the boys. one of these crafts made it in our suitcases because the boys had started painting them and wanted to finish them. well, i sat down with the boys yesterday to finish them and i had no idea what i was getting into! what i thought was a good idea is something i will think twice about next time...(i vaguely remember sending this craft to my nephews in idaho- Aub, if i did- i'm sorry- and i would love to hear how it went for you!) picture broken pieces and messy wood glue- after 2 and a half hours i was closing in on koen's castle- that was yesterday. after 3 and a half hours this morning, i was finishing kace's race car. i dont know what would be an appropriate age for these...retired with lots of spare time- can anyone say marathon???... but it definitely turned into "Mommy's project"! although the boys had so much fun with them, i might be tempted to say it was worth it!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha.... I think it is one of those right of passage moments for moms :) I just wish they would say that on the package!
