Sunday, February 28, 2010

One of those moments...

So Kace woke up at 6:30am (pretty consistent no matter what time he goes to bed) and crawled in beside me.....after about 10 minutes he said, "I wanna cuddle with you always Mama". "I wanna cuddle with you always too," I replied- wishing we could, but knowing better. Then I had the thought, you know, deep down that is how i feel about my Heavenly Father too. Thanks Kace, for another reminder of what matters- nothing compares to the heart of a child!
"Abba, I wanna cuddle with You always!"

1 comment:

  1. Those sweet, sweet boys!

    Thank you for all my kind words you sent Koen & Kace, MADE MY DAY!!!

    I have no snugglers, just Kaleb, who usually has something crawling around in his pocket. (that tends to disrupt snuggling!)
